Mr. H.P.S.Lamba (CEO)

Celiac patients and gluten intolerants face challenges everyday in India due to non availability of information in restaurants/QSRs about gluten free items in their menu, constant fear of probability of cross contamination in packed foods, general food manufacturers using starches and other additives without declaring their sources, making living little tough regarding food they are taking in.

Wheafree was born in the year 2008 to take care of worries providing safe gluten free food and from one product to more than 100 products, we have come a long way to be not only the most trusted but most innovative company in India in Gluten Free Domain. After completing 14 years dedicatedly, we want to take our responsibility to the next echelon where we want to share information available, across the globe in the form of blogs, Indian and International recipes from culinary expert mothers to chefs to Nutritionists/dieticians, new product launches, news related to drug developments for celiac patients, news from other celiac support groups globally, product reviews, views of mothers to how to cope with the change of food requirements, product testing, Dietician’s views on GF Food intake as an expert, Q&A by Gastroenterologist etc etc. We are going to take the whole gamut under one place called ‘Wheafree Times’. Initially, we plan to launch this newsletter monthly digitally. We will be making this newsletter interactive by bringing inclusiveness of our readers and consumers by holding contests and competitions etc.

Looking forward to your feedback at

Warm regards
Harinder Lamba