
My journey with Gluten intolerance started 17 years back. It was a time when we had to struggle to get everything gluten free and try making everything at home. But a few years after that we saw a coming of Gluten free products readily available in the market. Since that day there was no looking back. I've been using Wheafree products since then and has no issues whatsoever with them be it the quality, the authenticity and variety.

Cheirz Foods has made our lives so much easier that now I can focus on my career and other things in life apart from thinking about grinding flour, baking biscuits or cakes etc. Today, I am running a celiac support group to spread awareness and assist people in living a smooth gluten free life.

To sum it up Mr. HPS Lamba and Mrs. Deepika Lamba are very generous and accommodating to an extent that we had a chance to visit their facility which was another eye opener and we could see the real effort of this couple to support Celiac Patients. My full appreciation and regards to both of them and their team for the help and support that they have been giving and supporting Gluten free family in whichever way they could.

There has been a tremendous increase in variety of Wheafree gluten free products since the last couple of years like ready to eat parathas and rotis, maggie, pastas, pizza etc etc that its un-imaginable to live without this brand now. Its made life of lot of college students who live in hostels away from their homes easier and comfortable that now they do not have to think about their food and can concentrate of their studies. I wish them luck and success always!

- Dr. Ruby Ahuja
Consultant Psychologist