
Living Well with Celiac Disease: Advice for the Newly Diagnosed


If you have been recently diagnosed with celiac disease, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and confused about what to do next. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the small intestine, causing a range of symptoms including digestive issues, fatigue, and nutritional deficiencies. The only treatment for celiac disease is a strict gluten-free diet, which can be challenging to follow. Here are some tips and advice for those who have been recently diagnosed with celiac disease:

Educate yourself about celiac disease: The more you understand about celiac disease, the better you will be able to manage your condition. Read books, articles, and reputable websites about celiac disease, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Join celiac disease support groups, both online and in-person, to connect with others who share similar experiences.

Living well with celiac disease - consult your doctor

Consult a registered dietitian: A registered dietitian can help you create a gluten-free meal plan that meets your nutritional needs. They can also teach you how to read food labels and identify hidden sources of gluten. Make sure to choose a dietitian who specializes in celiac disease and gut related problems.

Find gluten-free alternatives: There are many gluten-free alternatives available, such as gluten-free bread, pasta, and crackers. These products are typically made with rice flour, corn flour, or other gluten-free flours. Experiment with different brands and products to find ones that you enjoy. Check manufacturing reliability and trustworthiness and do not go only for taste.

Get rid of gluten-containing foods: It’s essential to eliminate all gluten-containing foods from your diet. This includes wheat, barley, rye (American grain), and any foods made with these grains or their derivatives like Suji, Maida which are taken out from wheat flour. Check food labels carefully, and be aware that gluten can be found in unexpected places, such as soy sauce, salad dressings, and even medications.

Make healthy gluten free food for yourself

Cook at home: Cooking at home is one of the best ways to ensure that your food is gluten-free. Invest in some good cookbooks and cooking equipment, such as a gluten-free toaster and separate cutting boards for gluten-free and gluten-containing foods. Buying a small grinding machine is a good addition. Follow GF bloggers on Instagram for more recipes. They are very innovative and lot of ideas can be captured from there.

Be vigilant when eating out: Eating out can be challenging for people with celiac disease. Always inform the restaurant staff of your dietary restrictions and ask about gluten-free options. Be aware that cross-contamination can occur in restaurants, so it’s important to choose restaurants that take gluten-free cooking seriously. Make the chef of your eating joint a friend and do comment/notify him before placing the order.

Stay positive: Living with celiac disease can be challenging, but it’s essential to stay positive and focus on the benefits of a gluten-free diet. Many people report feeling better physically and emotionally after adopting a gluten-free lifestyle.

Be patient with yourself: It can take time to adjust to a gluten-free diet and to learn how to navigate your new lifestyle. Be patient with yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes or slip up from time to time.

Take care of your mental health: Celiac disease can be emotionally challenging, especially in the early stages of diagnosis. It’s important to prioritize your mental health by seeking support from a mental health professional, practising stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga, and connecting with others who have celiac disease. Sharing your problems with your groups reduces stress and the better solutions are found.

Living Well with celiac disease - Medical Labs scientist

Stay up-to-date with research: Celiac disease research is constantly evolving, and new treatments and therapies are being developed all the time. Stay up-to-date with the latest research by reading reputable medical journals and attending celiac disease conferences. Join many research and celiac support groups online like LinkedIn, WhatsApp as they help you on keeping updated.

Be aware of hidden sources of gluten: Gluten can be found in many processed foods, including soups, sauces, and seasonings. It can also be found in non-food products such as medications, vitamins, supplements, and personal care items like shampoo and lip balm. Be sure to check all product labels for hidden sources of gluten and ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you’re unsure about a particular product.

Choose trusted gluten-free brands: When choosing gluten-free products, it’s important to use trusted brands that specialize in gluten-free foods. Look for brands that manufacture their products in dedicated gluten-free facilities to avoid cross contamination. These facilities have strict protocols in place to ensure that their products are safe for people with celiac disease. Using trusted gluten-free brands can give you peace of mind that the products you’re consuming are safe and free from gluten. While it may be tempting to try new or unfamiliar brands, it’s important to read labels carefully and do your research before purchasing new products. Your registered dietitian can also provide recommendations for trusted gluten-free brands and products. Check with manufacturers whether they have qualified food specialists and dietitians in the staff. Do they test in-house for gluten. If yes, what testing equipment and qualified staff they have? What quality protocols they follow for checking additives, raw materials and spices etc.? and how often they get their samples checked from outside NABL accredited labs and are validated with in-house results.

Living Well with celiac disease: Advice For the Newly Diagnosed

Be always prepared: Always carry gluten free snacks and meals with you when you are traveling and going out. This will ensure that you will always have safe options available. It is better to be safe than sorry as no gluten free options some time while traveling, kills all the joy of travel. Keeping buffer is always the best option when your children are celiac.

In conclusion, celiac disease can be a challenging condition to manage, but with the right tools and support, it is possible to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Remember that you are not alone, and there are many resources available to help you on your journey. Stay informed, stay positive, and stay gluten-free!

About the author:

H.P.S.Lamba (Founder, Managing Director) - Chierz Foods and Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

HPS Lamba is the founder and Managing Director of two famous Gluten Free Brands – Wheafree and Everhealth. Apart of holding various positions at industrial associations, he is Industry Expert at Incubation Committee and Board of Studies at Thapar University.




Wheafree and Quality are Synonymous


Quality is not an adjective but a common noun in our factory as quality is ingrained in the ethos of every worker as well as staff. Trained on GHP/GMP of workers with hours of training by the Quality department, to keep a check on gluten in the products is an important step and can not be ignored especially when we are making products for Celiac Patients (to keep gluten less than 20 parts per million(20 mg per one kg is a challenge). From day one when Wheafree was conceived, the Quality Control lab was fully equipped with Elisa Plate Reader imported from the USA to check the gluten in additives, raw material and finished goods.

A Survey of all testing kits was done and finally R Biopharm Gluten testing kits from Germany, the best in sensitivity and which are used worldwide with consistent results were sourced. These imported kits are a little expensive but are reliable and trustworthy for results. The next thing undertaken by management was to train the qualified food technologists/ Microbiologists at NIFTEM to carry out the gluten testing by using the kits on Elisa machine. Every month four of our products are picked up and tested by our QC people and the results are verified and published on our website. Testing procedures and protocols are very exhaustive and done with complete care so that authentic results are published. We send samples outside to NABL accredited lab to validate our results.

We are the only company in India who believes strongly in maintaining quality and publishing results of Gluten Testing on public domain. Most of the gluten free manufacturers in India haven’t installed such sophisticated machinery and have trained and qualified manpower to handle such tests. Recently as goodwill gesture, Wheafree started testing one popular product selected by our consumers and results are published in our monthly newsletter. We have tested Kissan Sauce, Tops Mixed Fruit Jam and in the month of July, we tested Bikano Canned rasgullas. For result check our previous web newsletters editions.

Wheafree became the most trusted brand because it emphasises on quality at all front including protocols followed while buying grains, millets, legumes, other raw material, additives, seasonings and won the trust and confidence due to rigorous testing of gluten at their laboratory by qualified team.

About the author:

H.P.S.Lamba (Founder, Managing Director) - Chierz Foods and Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

HPS Lamba is the founder and Managing Director of two famous Gluten Free Brands – Wheafree and Everhealth. Apart of holding various positions at industrial associations, he is Industry Expert at Incubation Committee and Board of Studies at Thapar University.




Five Things To Look For When Going Out In The Market To Buy And Eat Gluten Free Food


Life for a Celiac patient is a little tough considering the person has to be on a gluten free diet for life. The choice becomes tougher if you are living in a country where labelling laws are not clear about allergens. People having Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity or Wheat allergy also have to be particular while buying the Gluten Free Products or while dining out in any restaurant. Countries like USA, Canada, UK, Australia and most of Europe are sensitive to the gravity of the requirement of Celiac or Gluten Intolerant Patients so the products lying on shelves of retail counters are well labelled. Even while dining out, either there is a gluten free menu or people serving there are aware of products on their menu which are & aren’t gluten free which makes life a lot easier.

Let’s have a look at what things one should look for while buying gluten free food products especially in Indian Markets.

1. Locate Products Labelled clearly as Gluten Free

Gluten Free Products Labelling

Whenever you are surfing for Gluten Free Products online or in the retail stores, try to find the products which are marked as ‘Gluten Free’. As per FSSAI’s regulations regarding Gluten Free Labelling, products having gluten less than 20 ppm can be labelled as Gluten Free and the word “Gluten Free” should be prominently displayed near product name.

Strict food laws are in place for the manufacturers who label their products as Gluten Free. In case the declared Gluten Free Products on testing, are found to have gluten more than the prescribed limit of 20 ppm, then those are declared as unsafe foods and there are heavy fines/imprisonment in the law for such offenders.

2. For more assurance, look for dedicated Gluten Free Manufacturing

There are many manufacturers who make products that are gluten free and also gluten containing products on the same premises thus the risk of cross-contamination increases with such products. If on the label, it’s clearly mentioned that products are made in dedicated gluten free environment/facility, go for such products as they are day much safer with lesser chances of cross-contamination.

100% Dedicated Gluten Free Facility

3. For Natural Gluten Free Products, read the labels minutely

Wheafree Natural Gluten Free Product

Many products are naturally gluten free like packing of legumes, grains, milling of chana dal (Bengal Grams) as besan, soya flour etc. If the choice is there to buy from dedicated gluten free manufacturer, it’s always safer but if the choice is not there, one must look for the word ‘gluten free’ on the label as many general manufacturers who label their product Gluten Free, take care by keeping a tab on the segregation process regarding wheat, barley while sieving the grains, millets and lentils.

To replace natural gluten in gluten free food is done artificially by gums. Gums are derived naturally and are used in many other applications of food made by chefs all across the world. They are Hydrocolloids and are used to improve quality attributes and shelf-life. The two main uses of it are as a thickening and gelling agent. From soups to gravies as thickening agents to gelling agents in a jam, jelly, marmalade they play an important role. Xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum, Arabic gum to carrageenan are a variety of gums that manufacturers use in gluten free flour as a replacement for gluten. Though it doesn’t replace the properties of gluten none the less they are good alternatives but they are expensive and they add to already costly gluten free flour.

4. Make a habit of reading the label while buying general merchandise

There are chances of hidden gluten which can come in modified starches, gums, flavours, thickeners. Such ingredients are used in making sauces, soups, dips etc. and can cause trouble for those who are celiac or gluten intolerant. In countries where Wheat is cheaper to grow, many starches, thickeners, emulsifiers are derived from wheat but in many countries, rice and corn are used to derive such products so it is important to read the label carefully.

Ingredients and Allergens

Very reliable ways of verifying about the ingredients have evolved over time and some of them are:

Writing to the manufacturers, being in touch with Celiac Societies, asking your dieticians, checking with celiac support groups on social media who are proactive and have prior in depth knowledge or even search engines like Google. Getting first-hand knowledge about the brands which are clear and not clear becomes important for buyers. Also, regular updating of knowledge is required as many MNCs change the ingredients without any prior notice and connecting with the company or active celiac support groups on social media always help to avoid lapses at a later stage.

5. Meet the Chef while dining out


Follow the golden rule of meeting the chef and confirming the ingredients of the dishes you plan to eat when dining out. Such an exercise helps in eliminating the chances of you being glutened.  Chefs of fine dining or good restaurants are well aware of gluten as an allergen and immediately can let you know which dishes are gluten free and which are not.

Even a cook at dhabha knows which items he is adding and many of the things like besan, maida, suji can be ruled out by speaking to him in simple colloquial language. Sometimes we assume many of the items to be inherently gluten free like dosa, idli, vada which are made from rice and lentils but we can check with the chef about any addition of rawa (suji).

It’s always recommended by doctors/dieticians to have homemade food for Celiacs/Gluten Intolerant. But the wants of such persons are not quenched by having everything at home. So buying out ready to eat gluten free products like cookies, cakes, savouries or to be prepared items like pasta, noodles are required to give variety to their already restricted diet. By following above such precautions one can give a better quality of life as this gives them more choices and varieties to decide what they want to have thus helping them enjoy life Gluten Free.

About the author:

H.P.S.Lamba (Founder, Managing Director) - Chierz Foods and Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

HPS Lamba is the founder and Managing Director of two famous Gluten Free Brands – Wheafree and Everhealth. Apart of holding various positions at industrial associations, he is Industry Expert at Incubation Committee and Board of Studies at Thapar University.


Why Gluten Free Food Products Cost More..?

gluten free food products

It’s normally seen that when someone goes to the market to buy gluten free food products, they are surprised to see the cost of the goods, which is 3 to 4 times costlier and as a result, they form an opinion that the manufacturer is making huge profits and thus forming a wrong perception about the whole gluten free business without analysing and going into the depth about WHY.

A celiac or gluten intolerant person has to be on a lifelong gluten free diet, thus the economics of buying costlier food products disturb the budget and is also demoralizing. (Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder and genetically disposed of, the patient has no role to play in acquiring this disease). But let us study why gluten frees are expensive food not only in India but across globally too and can their cost be brought to the same level as normal food.

The first and foremost reason for gluten free food to be expensive is that grains like wheat, barley and rye are replaced by naturally gluten free grains like rice, maize, quinoa, sorghum, millets and legumes. It is very important to note that it’s never one grain replacing one wheat grain to make gluten free food as it is not complete in itself like giving the same taste, aroma, texture, elastic properties of gluten grain.

To replace wheat, combination of many grains, legumes and millets have to be tried in permutation to bring the taste nearer to wheat and barley. If one grain like rice could have replaced wheat in all its properties, surely gf food would have been cheaper but alas that’s not the case to be. These combinations of multiple grains with millets and legumes make the cost of the base flour to be costlier which in turn make all the products made out of the base flour like cookies, savories, fresh bakery ‘expensive’.

Just to give an example of cost implications, wheat flour may cost around Rs. 35/- per kg and rice ( Rs. 30/-) in combination with black split grams (₹ 120/-), Bengal chana grams ( Rs. 75/- per kg) will bring the cost to be around three times the base price. Anything made from this flour will always be costlier than products made out of maida or wheat flour.

Another major reason which is seen in making gf foods costlier is replacing gluten which is missing. Gluten is the protein that gives elasticity and moulding properties to wheat. The softness in naan, rumali roti, bread, kulchas, burgers is due to the rising power of the gluten when it reacts with water to ferment.

To replace natural gluten in gluten free food is done artificially by gums. Gums are derived naturally and are used in many other applications of food made by chefs all across the world. They are Hydrocolloids and are used to improve quality attributes and shelf-life. The two main uses of it are as a thickening and gelling agent. From soups to gravies as thickening agents to gelling agents in a jam, jelly, marmalade they play an important role. Xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum, Arabic gum to carrageenan are a variety of gums that manufacturers use in gluten free flour as a replacement for gluten. Though it doesn’t replace the properties of gluten none the less they are good alternatives but they are expensive and they add to already costly gluten free flour.

Whenever we talk of 8 billion dollar gluten free global industry size that is expected to grow in 2024, it’s not all consumed by gluten intolerant/celiac persons. On the contrary, the majority of gluten free foods are consumed by those who might not require them as a medical condition but as healthier options that suit their gut and digestion.

Very few experts are available to make such foods and they come with a price. Also, entrepreneurs and gluten free manufacturers who jump into this business, have to train their manpower, especially for gluten free manufacturing. Procurement of grains which are sieved manually and also double sorted to ensure that not even single grain of wheat/barley/rye goes into manufacturing add to the cost. Entrepreneurs can’t buy big automatic plants as the requirement in the market is much lower than the capacity of available machines. Economy of scales is not applicable in this field and involvement of manual labour and manufacturing in smaller batches hikes the production cost.

The last but not the least reason which enhances the cost is expectations of the retail segment which think that it’s a special food and compare them with imported goods. They expect higher margins and want gluten free manufacturers to increase the MRP of the products so that they have more profits. It becomes counterproductive to people who are in continuous requirement of gluten free foods as their food is their medicine.

All the above factors add up and make gluten free food products expensive. Most of the reasons are genuine and until or unless only rice and corn are used to replace wheat and barley, the gluten free food can never be cheap. But rice and corn cannot give nutritionally balanced food and to do that, many grains, legumes and millets are added so that low carbohydrates, good proteins, fats and fibre are there in the meal to keep the gut of person in good health. To stay in good health and to bring happiness in life we need such grains and they come at a price.

About the author:

H.P.S.Lamba (Founder, Managing Director) - Chierz Foods and Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

HPS Lamba is the founder and Managing Director of two famous Gluten Free Brands – Wheafree and Everhealth. Apart of holding various positions at industrial associations, he is Industry Expert at Incubation Committee and Board of Studies at Thapar University.


Role of Innovation in Gluten Free Industry


Innovation plays an important role in Food Industry as it gives a unique flavour to the company’s image and impetus to the thought process which keeps adrenaline running in the company. If innovation is in the DNA of the company’s culture then they always remain ahead of their competitors and maintain their leadership position. World-class food companies keep a substantial budget for innovation and new product development (NPD). NPD plays a crucial role in keeping the company abreast by developing new innovative products which are either based on the market’s dynamics or customers’ feedbacks and suggestions.

Though Gluten Free (GF) Foods are a niche market but globally it is quite an important market and it is expected to be about 8 billion USD dollar market in 2024. Though the necessity of gluten free food arose due to the discovery of an autoimmune disorder which is called celiac disease and to avoid intake of food loaded with gluten proteins which come from wheat, barley and rye, need-based innovation becomes the necessity.

When this disease was discovered, existing food became poison for the gluten intolerant and coeliac patients and most of the innovation came from mothers whose kids had been diagnosed with this problem. As it is said that necessity is the mother of invention so most gluten free products which were created and came into the market, came from the cradle of love and emotions of motherly love. God always create a solution to any problem which has arisen in the world.

Gluten in Wheat as Gliadin, Hordein in barley and Secalin in Rye react to the intestines of Coeliac patients and damage the villi because of which intestines fail to absorb the nutrients from the food hence all the problems like malnutrition, stunted growth, low haemoglobin, weak bones etc crop up making life difficult for such people.

Gluten is the protein that gives elasticity, helps in making puffed chapati, rumali roti, naan hence innovation becomes very restrictive with gluten moving out but it opens more doors of using alternative gluten free grains, millets and legumes. Grains like Corn, Quinoa etc, millets like Sorghum, Pearl millets etc and legumes like Bengal grams, black grams etc not only add a different flavour to taste but also make food more nutritious as these alternate grains are rich in proteins, fibres, low in carbohydrates.

Innovation becomes all the more interesting when one primary colour from the pellet has been taken away but in turn, nature gives you a full rainbow of so many millets, grains, legumes to experiment with. Smart chef or foodpreneurs who are forthcoming in experimentation, not only end up making GF food tasting closer to normal but also make them more nutritious and healthy. The cravings of consumers are enormous and they want all type of products and such an appetite gives more leads to innovations. India is so rich in variety of millets and legumes which makes innovation more interesting and captivating.

Freehand to NPD with a substantial budget and lanced with kitchen equipments, can give a variety of a gluten free choices. If brief to NPD head is clear that innovation has to based on good nutrition and good taste then surely lot many gf products can be rolled out to the satisfaction of consumers. A food lab in any good food company can be the cradle of continuous innovations which not only will increase your market share but also will make you a market leader.

“Innovate or Stagnate is our motto in Wheafree and we believe Innovation resides where the risk is taken not necessarily where the idea is generated”

Wheafree has imbibed and embedded innovation in its DNA for the road to success and it has been churning out products and recipes successfully and we see contended customer with a smile.

About the author:

H.P.S.Lamba (Founder, Managing Director) - Chierz Foods and Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

HPS Lamba is the founder and Managing Director of two famous Gluten Free Brands – Wheafree and Everhealth. Apart of holding various positions at industrial associations, he is Industry Expert at Incubation Committee and Board of Studies at Thapar University.